
Showing posts from January, 2015

Books, Medals, Militaria & Collectables

Books, Medals, Militaria & Collectables A collection of signed John Le Carré novels, including first editions, proof copies, some with extensive dedications, various estimates. Tuesday 3rd February from 10.00am Chapel Walk Saleroom,   Chapel Walk, Cheltenham  Glos., GL50 3DS On View Saturday 31st January - 10.00am - 1.00pm Monday 2nd February - 10.00am - 6.00pm  Tuesday 3rd February - 9.00am - 10.00am Sign up for live online bidding with Indian Sikh damascene sword handle, est. £100-£200      1902 photograph album of views of Rome and Naples, est. £80-£120  (Part of a larger collection of similar albums) Antique brass collar inscribed "John Nickolls, Swancoat",  est.  £400 - £600 A large collection of African carved hardwood figures, masks,  plaques and related items, various estimates James I Ireland Gunmoney December 16...
Friday 16th January 2015   10.00 am Bingham Hall, King Street, Cirencester, GL7 1JT On View: Thursday 15th January : 10.00a.m. – 7.00p.m. Friday 16th January : 8.30 a.m. – 10.00a.m Tel: 01285 642420 / 01285 644786 (sale week only) E:  Catalogue available Wednesday evening Red Mini One convertible, 1.6 chilli-red, soft top, six gears, two door, current mileage 18,866 miles,  est. £7,000-£8,000   Set of eight late 19th century carved oak dining chairs    Estimate £80.00 to £100.00 French walnut sideboard, est. £200-400  Georgian style mahogany extending dinig table, est. £250-£400 Pair of Victorian walnut square-back gentleman's  drawing room chairs   Estimate £100.00 to £200.00 Set of 6 Victorian mahogany dining chairs, est. £200-400 Victorian Coalbrookdale style cast iron hallstand est £150-£300 Victorian satin ...